Thursday, May 21, 2009

About to Crawl

I am already 7 months old! I can push up on all fours but all I do is rock back and forth. But I have two teeth on the bottom and one coming in on the top! Of course my hair is still super curly and everywhere!!! My momma tries to do things with it - but it doesn't seem to cooperate!

Can you find Kensli???
I love helping with the clothes!
Yes NaNa, these are clean!
Really all I like to do is watch Momma fold them
and then unfold them!
See I share my toys -- ok really I don't
but I am letting Daddy lay on my mat!
Daddy bought me this outfit! It even matches!

Here I am showing my new talent -
up on all fours!
But then its down again for right now!
I will be unstoppable soon!

Courtney's Graduation

I went to my Aunt Courtney's graduation..... I will be there one day!

Playing with NaNa and Paw Paw

Me and Momma

Paw Paw is so funny!

I already know what gifts are!

Momma, Aunt Courtney and Me.

NaNa played with me so that she didn't have to help!

See how cute I am in my shorts and shoes!

I couldn't take it anymore!

Hanging out with Mommy

I got to hang out with Momma all day! We had so much fun! She didn't have to go to work - and it wasn't the weekend!

We had lots of fun with my car.
See my eyes are still blue!

This is what I really like to do in my car! Kiss myself in the mirror!

Momma even let me tear up a magazine!
It was so much fun!

Then she gave me the crust to her pizza.
She doesn't like crust - but I sure do!

I tried my best with only two teeth!

See my cute shoes?
Momma has started letting me wear them!

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Look at my cool new shades my daddy bought me! I didn't even want to take them off indoors!

Boy, I think I am cool!

I like to ride in the car like my momma -- shades and all!
On the way to Ms. Paula's house for a hard days work......

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Pictures of Me Growing Up!

These are a couple of pictures of me - trying to be independant!

I love this rocker - I am already trying to pull up on it!

See my cute bow my NaNa made me!

Me and Mommy hard at play!

I love snack time! Mommy puts suprises (fruit) in this holder and I get to chew it all up!
What is better than this.

Me and Mommy at the Basketball Sports Banquet

Dressed in my cute outfit that Aunt Sharon gave me!
Headed to a hard days work at Mrs. Paula's house!

Aren't my shorts adorable!
My daddy says that they are way to short!

This is my friend Preston! We went to Sam's together!
He even shared his play mat.
I don't know why boys are already bothering me!
Yep, I am the chef of the house!
Cooking dinner one evening!
A little bit of slobber and a dash of toe crumbs
That is the best meal that there is!
I can't reveal the rest of my secrets!