Tuesday, April 21, 2009


My first Easter! We went to NaNa and Paw Paw house and even hunted Easter eggs.

I love bananas!

Ryan and Kensli --- Ryan was such a big helper the whole time! See all my bows? Aunt Wendy put them in my hair! NaNa made me lots of bows to wear!

Easter Basket
Me entertaining Paw Paw

Had to see who was holding me!

Mommy, Me and Ryan on Easter morning

Daddy bought me an Easter dress - but it was too big.
I liked it because it was puffy!

Ready to hunt! We all hunted at Mema's house

"I think I see one!"

You think she found this all on her own?

We all knew where that egg was headed.

Ryan had his own little helper -- Paw Paw. Ryan found tons of eggs!

She did find some but they were laid out!

Mema helped Kensli find more eggs!

1 comment:

Darla said...

Love the Easter dress. She is getting so big and getting to do a lot of first. Good job on blogging all these things!