We all went to Franklin for a birthday party for Kensli and Sophia. As soon as everyone got there - the fun began! Paw Paw, Uncle Myron, Aunt Shelley, Aunt Wendy, Momma, and all the grandkids went out to check the cows. Ryan and Sophia started out on the four wheelers and Kensli was driving the truck. She pulled the cuber to feed the cows! Ryan was in charge of counting how many times it clicked --to know how much Paw Paw was feeding them. Sophia was in charge of keeping Uncle Myron in line! Everyone had a great time!
Who do you think is in charge in this group?
four wheeler.
Sophia never wants to look at the camera!
Sophia never wants to look at the camera!
See I know how to drive!
It was so bright outside!
Ryan lasted a little while and then wanted in the truck!
"Paw Paw, I'm in charge now!"
Momma in a while!
It was time for presents! I helped open most of mine!
There were presents everywhere!
On our way to the kitchen - I found another toy!
I didn't want to eat anything except fruit!
Sophia ate all of hers!
Then we all went outside to run our energy out!
Sophia, me, Aunt Shelley, and Momma
Look - do you see my momma running!
See how nice I am sitting!
Paw Paw even ran!
After about 45 minutes - I think Ryan was the winner!
Me and my great-grandmother, Mema!
famous candy cakes - just like she did my momma
when she was growing up!
Paw Paw always gives me M&M's!
I'm still working on my cake and ice cream!
So I got on with him!
He was nice enough just to push me on it.
Everyone loves them!
I ate all of my momma oatmeal!
Aunt Wendy taught Sophia how to get cereal out of the box!
I ate all of my momma oatmeal!
Aunt Wendy taught Sophia how to get cereal out of the box!
I just drove around waving at everyone!
Ryan played with a toy.
Sophia just walked around showing how well she walks.